Depth of field
  This blog I want to talk about what I have learned on the knowledge of depth of field which also called "DOF" in photography. Depth of field is the distance betwwen the closest and farthest objects in a photo that appears acceptly sharp, and there is narrow and large depth of field.

  In the picture, we can understand the narrow and large DOF clearly, in the photograph with a narrow DOF, only a small slice of the image is in focus. Conversely,with a large DOF,  much more of the scene is sharp. Many DSLR's have a depth of field preview button, live view can be ues to check how the depth of field will look, and if you press the   button while tou look through the viewfinder, the camera will stop down the lens, and you will see the actual image will look.

  In my opnion, it is important to decide whemn you need a small DOF and how to create it , and to archive a shallower DOF, to achieve a shallower DoF you can either move closer to your subject or open up your aperture. For greater DoF, move away from your subject or close down your aperture. You can also use a longer focal length to achieve a ‘perceived’ shallower depth of field.

